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Welcome to
The Children's Newspaper

Do you know about the sea that is not surrounded by any landmass?
Do you know about the bird that can see behind without turning its head?
So these are the interesting facts that are missing from the life of children today which is why we have come up with The Children's Newspaper.
The Children's Newspaper is an everyday newspaper for children to get them into the habit of reading.

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Advantages of Reading the Newspaper

Unlike other newspapers, a children's newspaper is designed to present relevant, age appopriate content in an engaging way. It not only offers news but also provides an interactive space through games, puzzles, and stories.

The sheer number of apps available to make learning of children fun and engaging can almost be confusing sometimes. In such a time, creating a children's newspaper might seem irrelevant, but it is precisely because of the technology influx that reading a newspaper can help.

Too much of screen time can affect the brains of children in adverse ways. A non-reflective surface like paper will send fewer stimuli to your brain and you'll be able to focus. Screens, even if you're reading only one thing, are stimulating your brain all the time, literally programming your brain to look for a new stimulus every few seconds.

Send in completed puzzles and win a prize at the end of the month.

Parents can assist in reading and discuss the paper make it an healthy activity.

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Our Newspapers

'The Children's Newspaper'
explains the news and events in ways that children understand; immediate,
colorful, and exciting. It gets children growing up knowing the world around them.


Current Affairs

Bedtime Inspiring Story


Current Affairs


Interesting Facts

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